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Taking on a commercial lease? Ten things to know before signing on the dotted line. Read More
Taking the correct advice in employment law matters will not only help protect the reputation of your business but can also save you considerable sums of money.
The most valuable asset in any organisation is its people, but with the value comes risk. All businesses need help navigating the potential pitfalls set by employment law and, when problems do occur, finding solutions. Dealing with fast-changing employment law can be a daunting prospect. Employment disputes can involve complex issues and be a major distraction for your business.
We are happy to advise our commercial clients on Employment Contracts, and also to help with drafting general business contracts. In our experience, many disputes could be avoided if a correctly prepared contract had been prepared at the outset, setting out clearly each party’s obligations and, in particular, clarifying the position with regard to payment.
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We hold free advice sessions each and every week, by appointment only:
What we can help with
For employers:
Our advice is commercial and realistic. Telling you what the law says about a particular issue is usually the straight forward bit. The real skill, which comes with experience and knowledge of the client’s business, lies in applying that law to the problem and helping the client to choose the most suitable solution.
If you have an in-house HR facility, or if you use external HR consultants, we can still assist. The role of HR officer and employment lawyer are different but complementary and there can be some overlap. The HR officer will identify when a matter is likely to become “difficult” or contentious and can then call us to advise.
Taking on a commercial lease? Ten things to know before signing on the dotted line. Read More
“Here at Jones & Co, we are able to provide the best advice on all aspects of employment.”